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Edmonton’s ribbon of green was not always so green

Anthropologist and educator Jan Olson is a big fan of the North Saskatchewan River Valley parks system. Also known as the Ribbon of Green, it is a continuous connection of more than 30 parks along the river in the Edmonton area, from Devon to Fort Saskatchewan. The park system encompasses over 7,300 hectares, making it the largest contiguous area of urban parkland in Canada.

But it wasn’t always like this. 

Lots of industrial developments in the river valley happened in the 19th and early 20th centuries, making it far from park-like. The earliest brick-making and coal mining operations in the river valley started in the 1840s followed by dump sites, gravel pits, and lumber yards. By the 1900s, most of the river valley was cleared of its trees for lumber.

These industrial activities began to shift away from the river valley in the 1920s, allowing for its ecosystem to be restored. 

Proposals to create a large park along Edmonton’s river valley first appeared from Canada’s first resident landscape architect Frederick Todd in 1907. Acting upon Todd’s advice, between 1907 and 1931, the City of Edmonton acquired more than 100 properties in the river valley to be used as parklands. In 1915, the provincial government adopted a report by Todd to protect the river valley and its ravines as a recreational area. 

Jan Olson says Todd was a visionary: “He was the one who basically said you need to preserve the river valley and the ravines. And you need to make them parks.” 

If Olson had her way, the City would change the name of Hawrelak Park to Frederick Todd Park in recognition of his importance. 

“He’s the real reason why we have our beautiful, beautiful river valley and ravines in our city,” she says. 

Todd designed parks and other open spaces right across Canada, from Vancouver to St. John’s. Even though he is not terribly well known today, his legacy is huge. Todd was designated a National Historic Person in 2020.

Meanwhile, the evolution of Edmonton’s river valley continued. In 1933, the City of Edmonton passed a bylaw to regulate land use and to preserve the river valley as parkland. The city underwent a period where it acquired private river valley properties from the 1950s to the 1970s. And in 1970, the City of Edmonton passed a bylaw that defined the river valley and ravines, regulated developments close to the river valley and created a long-term policy with the aim of buying more river valley lands. 

A plan to unite the various parks that surrounded the North Saskatchewan River in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region was conceived during the early 1990s. In 1996, a group of volunteers known as the River Valley Alliance was formed from members of metropolitan area that the river passed through, including Devon, Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc County, Parkland County, Strathcona County and Sturgeon County, with the aim of connecting the riverside parks as a larger park system, the Ribbon of Green

Let Jan Olson have the last word: “It starts with the concept of nature being important in our lives and now people try to keep the ravines as a safe place.”

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